Benefits Of Having Knotty Hardwood Flooring


One of the best things about choosing hardwood flooring for your home is browsing the many available hardwood products at your local flooring store, and then deciding what look you want in one or more rooms. When you shop for hardwood, you'll often see some styles that have prominent knots, while others are virtually devoid of any of these markings. You'll find knotty hardwood in several different colors and even different plank widths. Here are some benefits of having knotty hardwood flooring in your home.

Helps To Disguise Debris

Some people like knotty hardwood flooring because the presence of knots helps to disguise any debris that might occasionally be on the floor. For example, if there's a small piece of dark-colored lint on this type of floor, it will barely stand out because it may simply look like another knot. On a type of hardwood flooring without knots, the lint will be very evident — which may compel you to immediately go pick it up. If you're the type of person who doesn't want to be distracted by every small piece of debris that is occasionally on your floor, knotty hardwood is a good option.

Creates Visual Interest

You might find that knotty hardwood helps to create visual interest in the room. While there are certainly lots of benefits to having hardwood that doesn't feature any knots, some people feel that this type of flooring lacks interest. The presence of knots throughout the floor will add a lively look to the floor and, by extension, the room as a whole. This choice can be a good option for someone who occasionally feels that some hardwood floors look bland.

Offers A Rustic Style

If you enjoy decorating your home in a rustic style and want certain rooms to appear especially rustic, you need to be selective about what hardwood flooring you use. Some hardwood flooring products are so pristine that they won't be a good fit in a rustic space. Lots of rustic furniture features a knotty design, which can make a similar style of hardwood flooring a good fit if you have this type of furniture in a particular room. If you're planning to buy knotty hardwood to give a room a rustic look, you'll likely want to ensure that you buy hardwood that has a matte finish rather than a glossy one, as it will have more of a rustic feel. Shop for knotty hardwood flooring at a local flooring store.

Contact a company like Rejuvenation Floor & Design to learn more about hardwood floors.


6 December 2022

Keeping Feet Comfortable

We often think of flooring as a structural element. It gives us something to stand on, and it provides a bottom surface for a building. These functions of flooring should not be under-estimated. However, they are not the only purpose of flooring. Actually, flooring is also meant to serve the function of keeping your feet comfortable. At least, good flooring seeks to satisfy this goal. Carpet can definitely keep your feet cushioned and healthy, and so can padded vinyl flooring. As you read the articles on this blog, we ask you to keep the following in mind: flooring is multi-functional.